Thursday, July 28, 2011

Where have I been???

Wow so its been a while since I last updated my blog, but I promise I have great excuses! I've been working at my dad's office and for my aunt's super cool restaurant! Okay so these aren't the super awesome excuses I promised but you'll forgive me...right? Any ways I promise I will update more often!
So besides working my summer away (exaggeration I only work 30 hours max. a week) I have 20 days until I move back to EKU! Super awesome and a tad bit stressful. My mom being the super planner and organizer she is made us (dad and I) spend a saturDAY a week ago at Bed, Bath and Beyond....oh yay! Besides the fact that I really hate getting dorm room stuff, it was super crowded and I ran into at least 10 people, because I am a great cart driver when I'm trying to pick out coffee flavors and bath mats at the same time. While I'm totally ready to get back to Rich to see my friends and Bible study again, I'm not too excited about the 18 hours I signed up for.....I mean honestly do I strike you as the 8am microeconomics and 10am bio type? That answer should be a big fat NO.
While I could rant on and on about getting ready to go back to school, I should probably get to the point of the post. So here we go its Jesus time!
Earlier this summer before I had my wisdom teeth taken out I made a list of verses, chapters and books that I wanted to dig into. So I made this "list" and here is part of it and why I thought I should study it.
1. Ezra: (don't judge me) My love for Pretty Little Liars is crazy, and my favorite couple is Aria and Ezra, so even while I was on a crazy sleep schedule from my surgery I looked up youtube videos, and what did I find Ezra is a book in the Old Testament.....I can just hear you now, wow really? you didn't know see I'm not really an Old Testament reader. So anyways as soon as I heard this I was like whoa! really? I must check this out, and low and behold. they weren't lying and the next next day my mom was talking about Ezra 10:4 "Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it." I have no clue what she was saying about it (heavily medicated) but I really liked it so I but it on the list and I'm glad I did! I love it! Not to give to much about it because my next post will be about it have something to look forward to.
2. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8: Honestly do I have to explain why I love this? What girl doesn't dream of this being read at their wedding? Which is exactly why I thought I should put it on my list, this summer was my first experience of having a "wedding season" and I heard it several times. Although I do love hearing this at weddings, anytime I hear it I instantly think of a wedding and I highly doubt that when Paul wrote this letter to the Corinthians his intentions were for them to use this at weddings only, in fact I know that when Paul's letter to the Corinthians was to help them deal with the problems in their walk personally and as a whole (the church) as Christians, thank you Dr. Watkins in Christianity 193. He wrote 13:4-8 to tell them about God's love for them, and how powerful it is. I totally encourage everyone to reread and look at 13: 4-8 not as if someone is reading it to you, but like God is saying it to you!
Well friends! I have to go, partly because I'm running out of things to say, but mostly because the "staff" meeting I was left out of is over and I need to go finish my project with my team! So goodbye for now, I'll post soon!

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